Time To Get Started...Check this out!

Enough with the procrastinating. It's about to be mid-semester break, unbelievably a quarter of senior year has passed already. I'm hoping that the saying, "better late than never" is still applicable to this whole 'job search' thing...but I have a feeling there's only so long that expression will work.

So where to even get started? I'm a history major, mostly because it's a subject i'm interested in and pretty good at. I never considered how my major would or could affect my career path. It seems like I declared my major ages ago, when 'real-life' seemed so far in the distance that it wouldn't matter anyway. But, here I am, a senior history major. What do history majors do anyway? For that matter, how do you even find out what people with your major do after graduation?

Advice: Go to Career Services and click on "Career Exploration" on the left-hand side. Under the "Four Year Roadmap" (which warning, reading may cause slight panic) is a table called, "What Can I Do With A Major In..." How incredibly convenient! I'm hooked, apparently my major can lead me to more career paths than I ever expected. I'd never even heard of or considered some of these careers until I read about them on this site...history majors have gone on to practice law, work in libraries and museums, conduct historical research, become educators, run for political office, and so much more.

On the "Career Exploration" page there are links to a number of other resources as well. Check them out and get started searching!

P.S. Don't forget, Senior Class Dinner with members of the Board of Trustees is October 22nd!
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